Friday, 7 October 2011

Market Research - 3rd existing College magazine

L-­ Front page
Large image focusing in the centre of the page – draws attention to it. Movement she is doing may suggest the type of College it is – sport/dance/drama college.
Large mast head at the top of the page also catches our eye and gives the reader a shortened version of the name of the College – may relate to the target audience and what they may call the College in casual conversation (The LC) so automatically tells us it is aimed at the student audience.
No real colour scheme as seen at this point, page is mainly in black and white and the only existing colour is of the image in the centre – makes her stand out a lot more which could also tell us something about who the magazine is aimed at. (students – image is of a student so can easily be related to)
There is a release date in the top right hand corner (Summer 2011) which gives the audience useful information on the reliability of the source.
No price can be seen on the front cover.
Contents page
Colour is still minimal but only colour the reader can see is of the small image (possibly head teacher) in the far left hand corner, of the title of the page (Contents) and some small information at the bottom of the page. The colours are bright and eye catching but do not offer a real colour scheme at this point, only offering the reader a really simplistic view.
A small section of this page has been dedicated to online websites, giving the reader some more useful information as well as suggesting to us who this magazine is aimed at. (possibly younger, more technologically advanced people)
I- Not only does the front page contain the logo of the college (Lewisham College) but there is also a small stamp on the Contents page that tells us that the magazine is ‘Certified Carbon Neutral’. This may suggest that the College has had permission from this company to print this onto their magazine. This may not mean that this magazine is local – which may make it more expensive for the audience to buy. This suggests to me that this magazine is therefore aiming at those who will be able to pay a little more for their College magazine, and are possibly within the upper class market.
I-  I feel that the idea of both the front and contents pages are not only to attract new people to their college with a simplistic and professional appeal but I feel it is mainly to give the students of Lewisham College a bit of insight. The personal letter on the contents page from the head teacher to the students suggests this to me – it is a personal touch to the students wishing them a pleasant summer.
A- The target audience of this student magazine I feel could possibly come under both of the age categories of 15-24 and 24-35 both males and females. I assume this because although this magazine may be directed at 1st and 2nd year college students, I feel the professional and simplistic style it has suggests that it could fit very nicely into the 24-35 age category. Both of the pages are not over crowded with images and bright colours which can definitely appeal to a more mature audience I think.
I feel that the highest social category this college magazine may belong to is B because I almost feel that the magazine suggests to an audience that will be interested in taking part in a much higher education because of the way it is set out and how professional this tier of education is portrayed. The fact that it may not be local adds to this because in this ‘professional’ social category the stereotypical way of viewing this may be that the people existing in this group will be able to afford the higher prices a non-local magazine may have. Although it is a student magazine and is obviously aimed at college students, I feel the people belonging to this category may feel drawn to this magazine because of how professional this college has been made to seem from the outside – this I feel is very clever.
I feel the life style group this audience may belong to may be the outer-directed group. I feel this way because of the word ‘achievers’ associated with this group – the magazine seems to be aimed at successful, professional people who are willing to do what they can to achieve. This adds to the positive effect the college magazine is creating for Lewisham College within these two pages.
In Maslow’s ‘Hierarchy Of Needs’ I feel the audience may fit best into the ‘Self actualisation’ section because of their simple ‘need to succeed’ mindset that I feel they possess which adds to the professional image I feel they have achieved.
R- Similarly with both of the previous College magazines I have analysed, I feel this Lewisham College magazine creates a very positive representation of students and student life. The simple way it has been obstructed suggests intelligence and the need to be successful. It also shows education in a slightly different light on the front page with her arms above her head as if in a dance move – suggesting that this College is positively different in the way they teach and how these students become successful.

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