Friday, 7 October 2011

Market research - 1st existing college magazine

L- Front page.
Large mast head at the top of the page – Student Life.
Large image covering the majority of the page showing a group of students – links with the title of the magazine.
Black and white colour scheme, contrasts against each other, plain and simple but stands out on the page.
Price – the word ‘free’ at the top of the page draws the reader’s attention and is of a suitable price for young adults.
No slogan is used on the front page – is not needed.
Contents page.
Large mast head at the top of the page.
Green is used for the back drop of the contents, first bit of colour we see (no colour on the front page) stands out and makes us read. Black and white colour scheme is still used, links this page with the front page.
Small images are used around the page to illustrate the Contents and show small aspects of student life.

I- College magazine is created for East Riding College.
Logo at the bottom of the front page illustrates this.
A local magazine – making it affordable for the target audience (students)

I- The idea of both the front page and contents page is to attract students (main image that is used and the smaller images used on the contents page) into reading their magazine.
To give people (not students) an insight into college life and make education seem positive – making them want to become a student at East Riding College if not already.
Could also give the students attending East Riding College advice on how to keep up with work and information on what is taking place in the College (art exhibitions, educational trips etc.)

A- Both of the front page and contents page is aimed at males and females within the age group of 15-24.
I feel the audience will mainly exist in the C2 social category. With them being young students, I feel this category is the most appropriate. Even those who are attracted to the idea of college life at East Riding College because of this magazine and are not yet students will too exist in the C2 social category because I assume they will be semi-skilled manual workers.
I assume the group of people the magazine will be directed at those who are outer-directed, meaning achievers and emulators. I make this prediction because with the purpose in mind (advertising education positively), I feel this group of people will be the most interested.
In Maslow’s ‘Hierarchy Of Needs’ I feel the majority of the audience will be in the ‘Esteem’ category because I feel the type of people the magazine is aiming at are confident and respectful of others. Therefore it gives the producers a greater reason to advertise their college to these types of people.

R- I feel that student life is represented very positively in both of these sections of the magazine. This is due to the small images that have been used on the contents page – displaying happy students in the working environment.  On the front page, I feel the main image is not only displaying a positive and alternative way to educate young people but also how social groups can be formed within college – which is again a positive thing. The images overall show how college life is different to the stereotypical school environment which I think will definitely attract a lot of people into joining or creating an interest to their college.

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